In our last post we looked at the only Home workout programs that maybe worth adding to your Training for variation. Today we give the shoulders some love and assess a hidden system that is used by the elites.
One of the biggest concerns for CrossFit athletes is training their shoulder muscles in a way that will keep them safe during all of their exercises. There is such a great level of emphasis on using the shoulders for a variety of lifts, so having well-developed shoulders will help athletes reduce the potential of getting injured.
In order to help people build their shoulder muscles, Rogue Fitness has created the Crossover Symmetry High Intensity Interval (H.I.T.T) System. This setup facilitates efficient shoulder mechanics, which will have lasting benefits during CrossFit Training. Here is some information on what the Crossover Symmetry H.I.I.T System offers and why it’s a valuable addition to make to your garage gym.
Click here to find the Crossover System at Rogue’s website
Durability and Features on the Crossover System
Too often, newbies to the sport of CrossFit go into the gym and start throwing up weight that their body isn’t prepared for. When you are doing this at your own garage gym, you don’t have anyone there to tell you to slow down and to be cautious of the amount of weight you are lifting.
However, anyone can setup a Crossover Symmetry H.I.I.T. System in their garage gym and start developing stronger shoulder muscles.
The Crossover Symmetry H.I.I.T. System comes with a variety of different elements. They offer three different package options, including novice, competitor and elite choices. Here is a look at which one offers:
H.I.I.T. Solo – Novice:
- H.I.I.T. training guide and video
- 1 pair of green 3lbs cords
- 1 pair of yellow 10lbs cords
- 1 pair chart hooks
- 1 aluminum exercise chart
- 1 set Crossover SRS
- 1 drawstring backpack
H.I.I.T. Solo – Competitor:
- H.I.I.T. training guide and video
- 1 pair of purple 7lbs cords
- 1 pair of red 15lbs cords
- 1 pair of blue 25lbs cords
- 1 pair chart hooks
- 1 aluminum exercise chart
- 1 set Crossover SRS
- 1 drawstring backpack
H.I.I.T. Solo – Elite:
- H.I.I.T. training guide and video
- 1 pair of yellow 10lbs cords
- 1 pair of blue 25lbs cords
- 1 pair of orange 40lbs cords
- 1 pair chart hooks
- 1 aluminum exercise chart
- 1 set Crossover SRS
- 1 drawstring backpack
As you can see, the amount of options available from Rogue Fitness for the Crossover Symmetry H.I.I.T. System is perfect for athletes of all types. What’s even better is the fact that all of the equipment that comes from Rogue Fitness is top-of-the-line and dependable.
Instead of changing the quality of the equipment they provide, the multiple choices from Rogue provide athletes of varying levels different options. This is especially beneficial, considering most companies will try and offer products that people simply don’t need. This isn’t the case here.
Even if you aren’t sure how the Crossover Symmetry H.I.I.T. System is going to work, it comes with an instructional video that will get you started. This is helpful and will provide even novice lifters with insight on how to properly setup their system in their garage gym.
H.I.I.T. System Price
Rogue offers a variety of different price levels for each of their packages. The Crossover H.I.I.T. Solo Package starts at about $240, but they also offer a Crossover Box Rack Pack for $345. Their Crossover Armory H.I.I.T. Package is at the top of the price scale, coming in at $475. If you want, you can also buy the H.I.I.T. equipment individually, ranging from $15 to $100, depending on what you need.
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- This system is perfect for helping athletes build muscle strength in their shoulders.
- The instructional video makes it easy to setup your garage gym with the Crossover Symmetry H.I.I.T. System.
- Incredibly quality that goes into the cords, hooks and other training equipment.
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- It may be difficult to find out which package is best for you and it can be disappointing to purchase one, only to get home and realize you needed something different. That said, it’s great that Rogue also offers individual parts of the system that you can buy later on.
out of 5 stars
Conclusion on the Symmetry System
It’s all about safety and building form with the Rogue Crossover Symmetry H.I.I.T. System. It may not look like much at first, but having this in your garage gym will allow for you to max out other parts of your workouts and ensure that you are staying safe along the way.
Click here to get more details on the Crossover System at Roguefitness
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