There are plenty of internet memes and jokes going around the gym about athletes who opt to skip leg day more often than not. And while huge arms and a chiseled chest may look good in the mirror, a solid set of wheels is where you are going to get your power if you really want to maximize your athletic efforts. While some athletes may step to the squat rack and bust out a set of 90°, hitting the glute man developer is what is going to help you build insane amounts of strength that other exercises simply can’t match.
At first glance, glute ham developers may look all the same. After all, you just need something to stabilize your feet in and padding to rest your hips on. But if you think that’s all that goes into glute and hamstring development, your completely wrong.
You need a stable machine that is going to support you during your exercises, especially when you start throwing weight into the mix. If you are looking to add a solid GHD machine to your arsenal of home gym equipment, here are the top three options to consider.
Rouge Abram Glute Ham Developer
The Rogue Abram GHD is built like a tank and ready to go to war. And with the consideration that this machine is going to run you upwards of $700, you can rest assured that it is worth the investment. We’re not talking something flimsy that shakes with each motion that you make. Instead, the Abram GHD is solid, stable and ready to help you blast your lower back and legs.
Every square inch of the Abram GHD was built with precision and detail, which you can immediately tell when you see the frame. This machine is built on a 2×3” steel construction body that won’t bend or budge, even with larger athletes exercising on it.
When it comes to comfort, you’re looking at a split pad design where you can place your hips. Furthermore, that same hip area is made of a wicking upholstery, so you won’t have to worry about leaving a sweat stain when you hop from machine to machine without wiping it down.
At the bottom of this GHD is a oversized 3/16” steel foot plate. This provides plenty of space for athletes to get in there and get plenty of stability from the bottom. And the foot pads that also hold your feet in place come in either a upholstered or a foam option, depending on what you want to go with.
The Bottom Line
This machine is called the Abram GHD, but you could just as easily call it the DSC for the durability, stability and comfort that you’ll get. There is no denying that it is at the top of the line for GHD machines and it is worth the $700 price tag.
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Head over to Rogue to check out this beast with lots of Reviews!! 
Legend Pro Series Glute Ham Developer
Legend is known for its series of exercise equipment that plays with the big boys. It doesn’t have the Rogue name on it, but Legend is no slouch. If you want to be a legend with deadlifts and strength development, Legend equipment has you in mind and looks to help you push yourself to the max.
Although the Rogue Abram Glute Ham Developer is sturdy and massive, it also comes with a larger size. The Legend Pro Series, on the other hand, is a bit smaller, which makes for great uses in a smaller home gym. Also, Legend offers a variety of color schemes, which is good for those who want to personalize their GHD to the color of their gym.
The machine itself is measured out at 82x36x53”. That is a bit smaller than the Abram, but that’s not to say it lacks in stability at all. Furthermore, the footplate at the bottom is 32” wide and designed for big athletes in mind. There are also eight different adjustments for the fitting, which means you can get a variety of different angles to truly blast your core.
The Bottom Line:
The Pro-Series Glute Ham Developer is going to run you upwards of $1,500. However, no matter how many squats or leg presses you do, you still want be able to maximize leg development on any other machine like you can with a GDH of this caliber. Considering you get to choose the color you want and the machine is equally as sturdy as other options, you can’t go wrong with adding this to your home gym.
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Click here to see the Legend Pro Series GHD at Roguefitness
York ST Glute Ham Developer
Lastly, we’ll take a look at the York ST Glute Ham Developer. This machine looks completely different than the other options on this list, but it’s equally as appealing of an option.
The first thing you’ll likely notice about the York ST GDH is how sleek and fine-tuned it looks. Built with a silver frame and black padding, this machine will scream for attention the second it hits your home gym floor. There is added twin padding along where your hip placement will be for GDH exercises, which is great for added support without causing an uncomfortable feeling in that area.
Maybe it would be nice to have a bit bigger of a foot area at the base of the York ST GHD, but it makes up for it with the added support with the feet pads. For your ankle placement, you’re looking at two high-quality pads that adjust to multiple different heights that make it comfortable for any-sized athlete to hop on and give it a go.
Unlike any other option on this list, the true highlight of the York ST GHD is the 29 different angles and positions that you can put the padding in. You can adjust the height of the machine, the distance from the foot padding and also the placement of the thigh pads as well. Overall, no matter what body size you have or level of experience you have with GDH machines, you’re looking at a machine that will allow you to be as comfortable as possible during your training. That is, until you get going and feel the burn in your glutes and hams.
The Bottom Line:
In the same price range as the Abram by Rogue, people may automatically opt for that option. However, don’t overlook the York ST. It offers a vital option for those look for a completely adjustable and equally dependable machine. This beast is going to run you around of $850.00.
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Click here to check out the York Glute Ham Bench with more details!!
Economical Bonus! – Apex Roman Chair
Okay, we know we promised you three, but GHD exercises are so good that we had to throw in an extra. The Apex Roman Chair Hyperextension Bench is an option for athletes looking to still get in a good exercise, without dropping the coin that the other benches on this list command.
You won’t get the same quality or durability, but you’ll still get a reliable machine that allows you to blast your lower back and legs. And for just over $100, it’s a steal of a deal that is worth the minimal investment.
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Click here to get more details and read reviews on the Apex Roman Chair!!
Having a good set of wheels is what sets powerful athletes apart from those who just do it for looks. If you want to max out your powerlifting and your ability to lift serious weight, you need to opt for one of these GHD machines. Your financial prowess will probably determine which of them you choose, but as long as you have one in your gym then you can get down on some insane training sessions.
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