In our last article we looked at the One of the best Power Rack on the market.. Today we it the strongman circuit. When it comes to preparing for your Strongman competition, you need a bevy of equipment options that will help you work muscles that you may not known you had. The perfect example of this is the Farmers Walk Handles from Rogue Fitness.
This barbell with handles will allow you to start prepping for the same type of competitions that you can expect to take part in during the Strongman events, in order to prepare you properly for competition day. Here’s a look at what we like about the best farmers Walk Handles on the market.
You can find the Rogue Farmer’s Handles At their Website!!
Durability and Features of the Rogue Walk
There are a few different options on the market for Farmers Walk handles. The only problem is that with most of the other choices, you are looking at equipment that you can tell isn’t built to last. After all, this is Strongman competitions we’re talking about.
If you are looking to train, you want to do so with something that is going to get you jacked up and ready to go hard. The Rogue Farmers Walk handles will do just that.
These handles are made from super sturdy commercial quality chrome to make sure that you can load it up with as many plates, or bumpers, as you choose. That’s right, you can load both bumpers and plates onto this specific handle, which makes it more diverse for a variety of different gyms.
It also means that if you have equipment that you are using in your power rack or with your clean and jerk station, you can use the same equipment for your Farmers Walk as well.
Signature Powdercoat
As well as the heavy-duty chrome, you also get the Rogue Signature Powdercoat on the handles. This gives you an incredibly noticeable grip that other handles don’t have. The last thing you want to worry about when training is having your hands slip and having to readjust. That’s a great way to get injured, which you should avoid by all means necessary.
The bars on the Rogue Farmers Walk Handles are 60” in length. We’ve seen other bars that can be a bit shorter, which can really throw off your preparedness for an actual event. The longer bar also makes for better weight distribution when doing the Farmers Walk, which will help you better prepare for the competition.
Along with the 60” of overall space, you get 12” of space on each end to load up plates or bumpers. Our tests show that is about four individual plates on each side, which should be more than enough for anyone to train with.
This type of workout will blast your traps and give you forearms as big as some people’s legs. So even if you can’t load up four plates on each side, you’ll still be able to get jacked by loading up just a couple of plates and doing this piece of equipment.
Price of this Farmers Walk
The quality of the Rogue Farmers Walk Handles are certainly what you come for, but the price is what makes you stay. These are competitively priced at just $185 for two handles. After all, what good is one handle without the other? That’s an amazing deal, considering the strength of material and durability of these handles.
But where it gets even better is the discounts you get if you order multiple units. If you are a gym that is looking to outlet your facility with handles, you can do so with 10 handles for under $2,000.
Pros of the Walk
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- Reliable material that you won’t have to worry about when it comes to strength and durability.
- The handles are incredibly comfortable and use their powdercoat to maximize the grip.
- Great price that is competitively priced with other Farmers Walk handles on the market.
Cons of the Walk
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- It’s hard to find anything wrong with these handles. You get everything that you need in a Farmers Walk pair of handles, from a company that knows exactly what they’re doing. And since the price is right, you can’t miss out on that as well.
out of 5 stars
Conclusion The Rogue Walk
If you are looking to seriously train for a Strongman competition, you cannot miss out a solid set of Farmers Walk handles. And with the Rogue Farmers Walk Handles, you know you are getting a legit set of equipment that will be perfect to get your training up in order to prepare you for competitions.
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Click Here Yo Grab Your Rogue Farmer’s Handles At their Website!!
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