In our last post we looked at the Rogue Technique Bar. A must have tool if you are learning that perfect form. Now we look at Fractional Plates and how you can get incremental improvement.
Whether you are hopping on the scale or throwing weights above your head, every pound counts. Anyone who has ever improved their max from 135lbs to 140lbs can certainly attest to that.
However, what if you feel like you can improve just a little bit, but you don’t have the strength to add another 5lbs of weight?
Luckily, Rogue Fitness has your back with their line of Fractional Plates. Rogue Fractional plates come in smaller weight increments -.25, .5, .75, and 1lbs- so you can add just a little bit of extra weight to improve your gains.
You can find these Fractional Plates Here!!
Style And Durability
CrossFit is commonly known as a rugged sport where the conditions are continually changing. Well it only makes sense that Rogue Fitness took this mindset to the next level and created their Fractional Plates out of RHA steel. RHA was first used as armor on tanks, as it increased protection but diminished in size. So while that made tanks move more efficiently, RHA steel is great for CrossFit athletes because it means you can add more weight to your garage gym, without having to worry about too much more clutter taking up racks for weights.
In addition to being smaller, Rogue Fractional Plates can take a beating. Many people prefer rubber bumpers over steel plates because they are easier on floors and they also take less damage when being thrown around. Luckily, these steel plates are so rugged that you won’t have to worry about the latter, and you likely won’t have to worry about damage to your gym because the weights are much smaller than regular sized bumpers.
Overall, the style and durability of the Rogue Fractional Plates are perfect for any home or garage gym.
Features of Rogue Fractional Plates
The Rogue Fractional Plates don’t offer a variety of features; they are just weights, after all. But what they do offer, you’ll greatly appreciate. There are four different weights to choose from, including .25, .5, .75, and 1lbs. But in order to avoid confusion from other weights lying around your garage gym, each one has it’s own color to distinguish the weight that it represents.
If you are someone who likes to visualize your weights and look at them before you attempt your lift, you’ll be greatly satisfied with the appeal of the Rogue Fractional Plates.
Price of these Plates
One set of Rogue Fractional Plates will run about $65. Another option is to go for 2 sets, which is $136. You may think that buying two sets isn’t worth the extra cost, simply because you’ll use a 5lb weight if you improve your lifts by that much weight. However, if you are someone who supersets or jumps back-and-forth between lifts, then you won’t want to have to continually break down and re-rack your weights. It’ll be much easier to have an extra set of Fractional Plates so you can quickly navigate between lifts.
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- These weights are perfect for those who want to make incremental improvements in their lifts.
- The variety of colors makes it easier to see what weight you have lined up on your bar.
- Made from RHA steel, the Rogue Fractional Plates are built to last, without making a physical impression on your garage gym.
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- Big athletes rarely want to allow small weights into their gym. However, in order to get any better, these weights will help with small improvements along the way.
out of 5 stars
Conclusion on the Fractional Plates
There are other options to choose from if you are looking for smaller weights. But if you are someone who loves Rogue Fitness – and who can blame you? – then you’ll want to add these to your gym. It may not look like much adding it to your lifts, but you’ll certainly be pleased once you notice that your max lifts are increasing and you are getting better when training.
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Click here to find these Fractional Plates at Rogue Fitness!!
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