In our last review focused on a bar for the ladies “Rogue Bella Bar 2.0“. Today we look at a bar that will help get the most fundamental techniques of your lifts down.
Rogue 15LB Technique Bar
In order to start on the path of your desired level of physical fitness, you have to start somewhere. For those that can easily walk up to a 45lb bar and loft it above your head as you do cleans, you may take for granted the fact that you have that strength.
However, just because you can’t lift a standard 45lb bar, that doesn’t mean you should give up on the dream of getting in better shape physically. With that in mind, the Rogue 15lb Technique Bar is perfect for beginners who want to learn the CrossFit ropes.
Even if you are someone who has been doing CrossFit for years, this technique bar can help you improve your overall abilities in the sport.
You can find the Rogue Technique Bar at RogueFitness!!
Style And Durability of the Technique Bar
As you’d come to expect with other Rogue bars, the 15lb Technique Bar is nothing short of a masterpiece in terms of craftsmanship and design. These bars are made from aluminum, with a solid zinc coating that will keep your bar looking clean.
Even after multiple uses, throwing bumper plates on and off, you’ll still be pleased with how well the bar keeps it’s original condition. If you are investing in the perfect garage gym, then you want to be sure to have equipment that will last the test of time. This bar doesn’t disappoint and you’ll enjoy using it every time you are training.
Another thing that is a really great feature from Rogue is how easily the bumpers slide on and off this bar. In many cases, a bar will be too small and, while it may be nice that the bumpers come off, the weights never feel properly secured.
On the other hand, larger bars can be difficult to load and unload, as it feels like there simply isn’t enough room to wiggle the weights on. But when using the Rogue bumpers and the 15lb Technique Bar, this is a match made in heaven. It’s easy to use and feels secure when being tossed around.
Features on this bar
The Rogue 15lb Technique Bar offers a 9 1/8” sleeve length and 28mm diameter. In between the collars is 52” of space, and you’ll also get Olympic knurling style markings as well. Why are all of these features great? It’s because despite the weight difference from the larger models, the technique bar is quite similar in terms of hand positioning and feel.
So whenever an athlete is ready to step their game up to heavier weight, they won’t have to worry about adjusting their hand positioning or comfort. Instead, everything will feel quite similar to that of the technique bar.
The 15lb Technique Bar can be purchased for $136. It’s certainly worth the cost, but it does fall into a weird price range. Some people may think that they’ll just opt for a larger training bar and not put any weight on it, while saving themselves the investment of the technique bar.
On the other hand, people who already own a 45lb bar likely won’t feel as if they should add this to their collection as well. However, that isn’t necessarily the case. $136 is a great price for something that is so versatile and convenient. It’s certainly worth adding to your garage gym, no matter what your current fitness level may be.
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- Durable shape and material that you’d expect from Rogue Fitness.
- Proper hand measurements and positioning that makes for easy advancement to larger bars.
- Perfect for those who have never trained in CrossFit before.
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- The price may be something that scares people away, but it’s a minor setback into a larger investment.
out of 5 stars
Conclusion on the Rogue Technique Bar
Do you need the Rogue 15lb Technique Bar? Maybe, maybe not. But you can rest assured that it surely won’t hurt by adding it to your garage or home gym. Whether you simply want to improve your technique or learn the sport from scratch, this is the bar to do it with.
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Click here to find the Rogue Technique Bar at Roguefitness!!
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